Made some improvements to the blog code over the past few days. Images and galleries are now displayed in a pop-up slideshow format, and things should generally be a little speedier as well, as we are no longer linking to the full-resolution image. You can still comment on individual images if you wish, just look in the lower-right corner of each pop-up image. Also follow this comment link if you want to download the original full-resolution version of a particular image for printing… just look for the “Original size at…” phrase on the comments page.  Please leave a note if you experience any difficulties in navigating the site.

For the geeks out there: I integrated the Highslide JS gallery viewer into WordPress following some advice.  I further tweaked the code to improve the functionality to my liking (such as the comments link overlay), and automated the implementation into new posts.  Drop a line if you want to know the details.

NYE pictures will be coming soon!  The new photo in the masthead above was from our vantage point that night, prior to the pyrotechnic carnage…