Ta: Thanks

Heaps: a lot

Car park: parking garage, parking lot

Way out: exit

Motorway: highway

Dinky di: a true thing, telling the truth

Fair dinkum: genuine

Stubby: A small beer

Pig’s ear: a beer (rhyming slang)

Long black: pseudo-American style black coffee; made by pulling a double shot of espresso over hot water

Flat white: microfoam steamed milk poured over a single or double shot of espresso.  Unique to Oz/NZ

The bush: forest/outback/natural areas

Bushranger: escaped convicts of old hiding out in the bush

Cockie: a cockatoo

Bogged: car stuck in the mud

Drover: a cattle driver in the outback; almost non-existent these days

Swag: a bedroll

Bikie: biker gang member

Truckie: truck driver

Parking: having sex in a parked car

Dummy: a baby’s pacifier

Winging: British term for complaining.  Apparently, Brits are famous for their winging.

Herbs: with the “H”

That’s all I can recall at this point, but between this and the first Aussie English post, you should be good to go for now.  Also, we got a great book for Christmas from Frank Conrow: “A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms” by G.A.Wilkes.